Product Features
Can Seam Parameters Measured : Height, body hook, cover hook, overlap, thickness
Resolution : /- 0.2 thousandths of an inch ( /- 0.0002 in)
Can Sizes : 5.5oz to 32oz (Crowler) beverage cans
Image format : PNG
Report Format: PDF – The report includes a lid specification table, a table with all can measurements highlighting those that are out of spec, and thumbnail images of the each seam measured.
In addition individual full size images can be exported with measurements overlaid
Laptop : Intel i5 Quad-Core or Equivalent running Windows 10 with minimum screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, 3 USB ports, a wireless mouse, and carrying/storage sleeve
Carrying Case : Carrying case with custom designed foam insert to hold all* components. *Laptop stored separately in its own sleeve (provided)
The system is comprised of 3 major components :
An off-the-shelf saw with custom designed cutting jig
An imaging scope with removable can platforms containing a built-in view finder with drip catch
A laptop with the database driven SeamScope application software